IMPORTANT NOTICE: COVID-19 Coronavirus update.

Wednesday 25th of March 2020

Further to any previous communications, it is with profound sadness that I must now inform you that all football and associated training in respect of all of our teams be it men's, women's, senior or youth is now suspended in adherence with guidelines issued by the Government, FA and local Leagues. I can now further confirm that the forthcoming England International scheduled for Thursday 9 April is now also cancelled, as is the Monday night 6 a Side league and Tuesday darts. Needless to say, as soon as we have more information we will advise you accordingly.

As a consequence, we are temporarily closing the clubhouse, ground and 4G to ensure the security of our facilities can be appropriately maintained.

Might I take this opportunity to assure you that despite the enormous financial strain these circumstances will impose upon us, my fellow directors and I will ensure the integrity of our football club is fully maintained amidst these unprecedented times and that with your continued support we intend being in the best possible shape for when we can resume.  

Les Hare | Chairman

North Ferriby Football Club

North Ferriby Football Club

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North Ferriby Football Club
Grange Lane,
North Ferriby,
East Yorkshire,
HU14 3AB

01482 634601

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The One Point
© 2025 North Ferriby Football Club. Sponsored by The One Point