Ferriby sell out for fourth game in a row

Tuesday 29th of September 2020

Within 40 minutes of the tickets going on sale, North Ferriby’s game on Saturday against Parkgate has sold out. This will be the fourth game in a row when the club have been able to have the maximum 300 in the ground due to current Covid regulations.

“With Elite football not playing it is fantastic that we are able to have fans in the ground and that we are able to put up ‘Sold Out’ signs,” said Villagers Press Officer Mark Chestney.

“We will be keeping the ticket procedure in place for the foreseeable future and unfortunately some fans have been disappointed not to have been able to watch. To help fans with this we do still have season tickets available for purchase which will also give pass holders priority for cup matches.”

If you would like to purchase a season pass you can get them through the club shop at www.nffcclubshop.co.uk. Adult passes are available priced at £85 with Concessions costing £50.

Tickets for North Ferriby’s game at the Dransfield Stadium against Nostell Miners Welfare set for Tuesday 20thOctober will go on sale on Friday 16th October at 6 p.m. This game is a 7-45 p.m. kick off but please arrive early due to current Covid restrictions which are in place.

North Ferriby Football Club

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North Ferriby Football Club
Grange Lane,
North Ferriby,
East Yorkshire,
HU14 3AB


01482 634601

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